What value comes with my renters insurance plan in Michigan?

Being a renter in the state of Michigan can be a good idea. When you rent a home, you will need to ensure that you are adequately insured. If you want to rent a house when you are here, it would be smart to have insurance. A full renter’s insurance plan will give policyholders various advantages and forms of value. 

Coverage for Personal Items

You will not own your property when you are a renter in this state. However, you will still have many personal items that you do own. These can include clothing, electronics, furniture, and jewelry. When you have a renter’s insurance plan, you will get coverage for all of these items. You can also get additional riders for more valuable items like art or jewelry. This coverage ensures you have support to replace or repair your items if they are damaged or stolen. 

Liability Risk Mitigation

Having a renter’s insurance plan can also be a good idea to ensure you can manage your liability risks. There is always a risk you could be found responsible for an accident that occurs in your home. When you are insured with a renter’s insurance plan, you will also receive liability support that can help manage all such claims.

When you rent a home in Michigan, you absolutely need to have a renter’s insurance plan. Not only will it offer great coverage, but it will also be required by your lessor. If you are looking for a new renter’s insurance plan, calling our team with Shield Insurance Agency would be smart. When you work with our team at the Shield Insurance Agency, you will get all the support you need to build your next plan. 

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Navigating Michigan Auto Insurance Understanding Collision Coverage Shield Insurance Agency Blog

Navigating Michigan Auto Insurance: Understanding Collision Coverage

Shield Insurance Agency Blog | Collision Coverage | Auto Insurance | Start A Quote Today!

Michigan is a state with unique auto insurance requirements that can sometimes be confusing to navigate. Among these requirements, collision coverage is a significant aspect that drivers should understand in order to make informed decisions about their insurance policies. This blog post aims to provide a clear explanation of the three primary collision options available to Michigan drivers: Standard Collision, Broad Form Collision, and Limited Collision.

Standard Collision Coverage

Standard collision coverage is the most basic form of collision insurance available in Michigan. This coverage pays for damages to your vehicle regardless of fault, meaning that even if you are at fault for the accident, your insurance will cover the repair costs up to the actual cash value of your vehicle, minus your deductible. The deductible is the amount you must pay out-of-pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in.

For example, if your car is damaged in an accident and the repair costs are $5,000, and you have a $500 deductible, you would pay the $500, and your insurance company would cover the remaining $4,500.

Broad Form Collision Coverage

Broad form collision coverage is an enhanced version of collision insurance that provides additional benefits compared to standard collision insurance. With broad form collision coverage, your insurance company will pay for damages to your vehicle regardless of fault, and you are only responsible for paying the deductible if you are more than 50% at fault for the accident.

For example, if your car is damaged in an accident, and it is determined that you are 40% at fault for the accident, you would not have to pay your deductible. Your insurance company would cover the repair costs up to the actual cash value of your vehicle, minus any applicable depreciation.

Limited Collision Options

Limited collision coverage is another option available to Michigan drivers. With limited collision coverage, you are only covered if you are not at fault in a collision loss. Going back to the broad form collision example, if the situation was reversed and you rear-ended another car, you would be responsible for the entire cost of repairing your vehicle. Due to this coverage limitation, limited collision coverage is not acceptable to lenders if your car is financed.

Which Option Is Right for You?

Choosing between standard collision, broad form collision, and limited coverage ultimately depends on your personal preferences and financial situation. Broad form collision coverage may be a better option for those who want more comprehensive protection and are willing to pay a higher premium for it. Standard collision coverage may be a more cost-effective option for those who are willing to take on more financial responsibility in the event of an accident. Limited coverage is a more restrictive option that may not be suitable for everyone, especially if you have a financed vehicle.

Understanding the options available in Michigan auto insurance is crucial for making informed decisions about your coverage. Standard collision, broad form collision, and limited collision coverage each have their benefits and drawbacks, and the right choice for you will depend on your individual needs and circumstances. Be sure to review your insurance policy and speak with your insurance agent to ensure you have the coverage that best suits your needs.

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Russ Cook Runs 385 Marathons In 352 Days, Becomes First Man To Run Entire Length Of Africa

Russ Cook Runs 385 Marathons In 352 Days, Becomes First Man To Run Entire Length Of Africa

SunnySkyz | April 8, 2024 | Russ Cook | Shield Blog | Click here for a quote on your insurance

Russ Cook, a 27-year-old from Worthing, West Sussex, has etched his name in the annals of history by accomplishing a remarkable feat: becoming the first person ever to run the entire length of Africa.

His incredible journey spanned 16 countries, covering a distance equivalent to 385 marathons, and concluded after 352 days of unwavering determination and perseverance.

Setting off from South Africa’s southernmost point on April 22, 2023, Russ Cook embarked on a monumental quest to traverse the vast and diverse terrain of the African continent.

From bustling cities to dense rainforests, towering mountains, and the unforgiving expanse of the Sahara Desert, he braved every obstacle in his path with indomitable spirit.

However, Russ’s journey was not without its share of challenges and dangers. Along the way, he encountered harrowing incidents, including a terrifying armed robbery in Angola where he and his support team were stripped of their belongings at gunpoint.

In another chilling ordeal, he was kidnapped by a gang in Congo, armed with machetes, and transported deep into the jungle before being rescued by his vigilant team.

Reflecting on these perilous encounters, Russ confessed, “I’ll be honest. It was the scariest, scariest couple of days ever of my life,” during an interview with Good Morning Britain.

Despite facing adversities that would deter most, Russ remained resolute in his mission. Even when confronted with health issues, such as blood in his urine and debilitating back pain, he pressed on, running more than a marathon’s distance each day.

Russ Cook was faced with logistical problems

Only compelled to pause for logistical reasons, like visa requirements, or when medical professionals intervened, Russ’s commitment to his cause never wavered.

There were moments of sheer exhaustion and despair, including instances where he couldn’t keep food down for over 24 hours and endured sleepless nights.

As Russ approached the culmination of his monumental journey, he was greeted by a wave of support from around the globe. Joined by enthusiastic well-wishers for the final leg of his odyssey, he crossed the finish line in Tunisia on April 7, 2024, marking the triumphant conclusion of an extraordinary adventure.

In addition to his personal triumph, Russ’s incredible feat has also been a beacon of hope for many. Through his awe-inspiring endeavor, he has raised over £700,000 for charity, embodying the power of altruism and compassion.

Click here for the full story…

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Life Insurance Demystified: Whole Life vs. Term Life - Which is Right for You?

Life Insurance Demystified: Whole Life vs. Term Life – Which is Right for You?

Shield Insurance Blog | Term Life | Contact the office to get started!

Shield Insurance Agency offers TERM LIFE Insurance, ask us why we donn't recommend Whole or Universal Life Insurance

When it comes to life insurance, many people find themselves overwhelmed by the options available. With so many different types of policies and coverage options, it can be challenging to determine which one is right for you and your family. Two of the most common types of life insurance are whole life and term life insurance. In this blog post, we will demystify these two types of policies and help you make an informed decision.

Whole Life Insurance: A Lifetime of Protection

Whole life insurance, as the name suggests, provides coverage for your entire life. This type of policy offers a death benefit to your beneficiaries upon your passing, regardless of when that may be. Additionally, whole life insurance policies have a cash value component that grows over time. This cash value can be borrowed against or withdrawn, providing a source of funds for emergencies or other financial needs.

One of the key advantages of whole life insurance is its permanence. As long as you continue to pay your premiums, your coverage remains in force. This can provide peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will be protected no matter when you pass away. Whole life insurance also offers a level premium, meaning your premium amount remains the same throughout the life of the policy.

However, whole life insurance tends to be more expensive than term life insurance. The cash value component and the lifelong coverage come at a higher cost. Additionally, the investment component of whole life insurance may not provide the same returns as other investment options. If you are looking for a more affordable option or are primarily concerned with providing financial protection for a specific period, term life insurance may be a better fit for you.

Term Life Insurance: Affordable Protection for a Specific Period

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, typically 10, 20, or 30 years. This type of policy offers a death benefit to your beneficiaries if you pass away during the term. Term life insurance is often chosen by individuals who want to ensure their loved ones are financially protected during a specific period, such as when they have young children or a mortgage to pay off.

Term Life is More Affordable

One of the main advantages of term life insurance is its affordability. Since it provides coverage for a limited period, the premiums tend to be lower compared to whole life insurance. This can be especially beneficial for individuals on a tight budget or those who only need coverage for a specific period.

Term Life has zero Cash Value at the end of term

However, it’s important to note that term life insurance does not have a cash value component. Once the term ends, the coverage ceases, and there is no return on the premiums paid. If you outlive the term, you will need to purchase a new policy, which may come at a higher cost due to age and potential health changes.

Choosing the Right Policy for You

When deciding between whole life and term life insurance, it’s essential to consider your specific needs and financial goals. Here are a few factors to consider:

1. Financial obligations: Evaluate your current and future financial obligations. Do you have dependents who rely on your income? Do you have a mortgage or other debts that need to be paid off? Whole life insurance may be a better fit if you want to ensure lifelong financial protection for your loved ones.

2. Budget: Consider your budget and how much you can afford to spend on life insurance premiums. If you are on a tight budget or only need coverage for a specific period, term life insurance may be a more affordable option.

3. Investment goals: Assess your investment goals and risk tolerance. Whole life insurance policies have an investment component, but they may not provide the same returns as other investment options. If you are looking for higher returns on your investments, you may want to explore other investment avenues and opt for term life insurance instead.

4. Long-term planning: Think about your long-term financial planning. Are you looking for a policy that can provide a source of funds for emergencies or other financial needs? Whole life insurance’s cash value component can be beneficial in such cases.

Ultimately, the decision between whole life and term life insurance depends on your unique circumstances and priorities. It’s crucial to consult with a financial advisor or insurance professional who can help you navigate the options and make an informed decision.

In conclusion, life insurance is an essential tool for protecting your loved ones’ financial future. Whole life insurance offers lifelong coverage and a cash value component, while term life insurance provides affordable protection for a specific period. By considering your financial obligations, budget, investment goals, and long-term planning, you can determine which type of policy is right for you. Remember, life insurance is a personal decision, and what works for one person may not work for another.

Shield Insurance Agency represents over 40 insurance companies. Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK and an agent will be in touch soon.’,

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Restaurant's Quest For Mystery 'French Fry Girl' Ends In Heartwarming Discovery

Restaurant’s Quest For Mystery ‘ French Fry Girl ‘ Ends In Heartwarming Discovery

SunnySkyz.com | March 28, 2024 | French Fry Girl | Shield Insurance Agency Blog

It was the biggest mystery in the state of Oklahoma. A mystery that involves what sounded over the phone to be a preschooler who really wanted some “Fwench Fwies.”

In late February, Noble Smokin’ Joes BBQ in Oklahoma found itself bombarded with persistent calls from children, all with the same peculiar request: French fries delivered straight to their doorstep.

SunnySkyz | March 28, 2024 | French Fry Girl | Shield Insurance Blog

It was the biggest mystery in the state of Oklahoma. A mystery that involves what sounded over the phone to be a preschooler who really wanted some “Fwench Fwies.”

In late February, Noble Smokin’ Joes BBQ in Oklahoma found itself bombarded with persistent calls from children, all with the same peculiar request: French fries delivered straight to their doorstep.

Somer Williams, the restaurant owner, found herself at the center of an unexpected saga.

“It was last Monday when I picked up the phone at the restaurant,” Williams recalled in an interview. “A voice that sounded like it came from a very young child asked me if she could have some French fries,” she added. “I told her I was glad to help but needed to speak to an adult- the voice told me a parent was not close by.”

Day after day, the calls persisted. Eventually, more young voices had joined the French Fry girl on the phone.

“Another girl said they would try to come to the restaurant, but their car was broken down- she said it would cost 15 dollars to repair,” Williams said. “Suddenly they wanted two Fwench Fwies and two dwinks. One told me they were in pre-K and I said, ‘No way’ and they said, ‘Yes, way’.”

The continuous calls prompted Williams to take action. She turned to social media, hoping to unravel the mystery behind the mysterious callers.

French Fry Girl Facebook Post

“I posted on Facebook trying to figure out who was on the other end of the line,” Williams explained. Little did she know, her posts would go viral, drawing attention from people across the globe who eagerly followed the unfolding story.

Determined to crack the case, Williams devised a clever plan to elicit information during the next call. “I’m going to give a French fry party to your school if I can talk to your mom,” she declared to the persistent callers. However, the children remained elusive, with one even posing as a parent during the conversation.

Undeterred, Williams seized upon a crucial clue – the name of their dog, Beethoven. With this information in hand, she embarked on a mission, contacting nearby elementary schools in search of the French fry enthusiasts.

“When everyone heard about Beethoven, it was clear that this was a sure way to find them!” Williams exclaimed. The schools rallied behind the cause, making announcements over the intercom in a collective effort to solve the mystery.

“When everyone heard about Beethoven it was clear that this was a sure way to find them! One school made an all call over the intercom for anyone who owns a dog named Beethoven to come to the office. All the schools got really invested. I’m pretty sure all the kids did too in hopes the French fry kid was in their class so they could have the French fry party,” Williams said.

Finally, the breakthrough came when Katherine I. Daily Elementary identified the hungry culprits: Emily, Miley, and Linda.

french fry girl
Williams (right) and the three mystery callers

On March 26, 2024, the much-anticipated French fry parties became a reality, as the trio of friends celebrated with their classmates, thanks to Williams’ determination and the collaborative spirit of the community.

“It was really fun trying to find them,” Williams confessed. “I did not know it would go so worldwide.”

Click here for the full story and some great pictures!

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Shield Insurance’s Roadmap to RV Insurance in Michigan: What You Need to Know

Shield Insurance’s Roadmap to RV Insurance in Michigan: What You Need to Know

Shield Insurance Agency Blog | RV Insurance | Start A Quote Today!

At Shield Insurance Agency, we effectively educate Michigan residents about RV insurance policies. These policies may seem daunting, but decoding them isn’t as hard as it might appear. This guide will help simplify RV insurance so you can make the best possible decision.

RV Insurance: Differentiating Between Part-Time and Full-Time

One common pitfall among RV owners is the failure to distinguish between a full-time and a part-time RV usage policy. Getting this right will ensure your policy adequately caters to your specific needs.

Special Considerations for Self-Built RVs

If you’ve constructed your own RV, be aware that it poses different issues for insurance companies. Self-built vehicles typically have additional insurance concerns and may not be as straightforward to insure as standard RVs. It’s important to bear this in mind when deliberating over potential modifications to your RV.

Importance of RV Insurance Emergency Expense Coverage

Emergency expenses are a vital consideration for any RV policy. Emergency coverage should be top of mind whether you use your RV full-time or part-time and whatever belongings you need to insure. This type of coverage will offer you the security of being prepared for any unexpected expenses that may come up.

At Shield Insurance Agency, we are eager to answer all your questions about RV insurance policies. Michigan RV owners are invited to call or visit us anytime to learn more. We’re here to assist with your RV insurance needs, enabling you to hit the road confidently.

Give us a call or stop by our home office at 3214 Chicago Dr, Hudsonville, MI 49426 Our phone is 616-896-4600 or you can fax your current policy to us at 616-896-4601. And of course, we can be reached via email at ContactUs@shieldagency.com

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Young Drivers and worried about insurance costs? Here's what you need to know! 🚘

Young Drivers and worried about insurance costs? Here’s what you need to know!

Shield Insurance Agency Blog | Young Drivers | Auto Insurance | Start A Quote!

Young drivers have heard horror stories about the exorbitant insurance premiums that young people have to pay. It’s a common belief that insurance costs for young individuals are sky-high, making it difficult for them to afford coverage. But is this really true? In this blog post, we will explore the cost of insurance for young people and debunk the myth of high premiums. We will also provide you with some tips on how to find affordable insurance options tailored to your needs.

The Cost of Insurance for Young Drivers: Separating Fact from Fiction

When it comes to insurance costs for young people, there are many misconceptions that need to be addressed. While it’s true that young drivers are statistically more likely to be involved in accidents, insurance companies take various factors into account when determining premiums. These factors include driving record, type of vehicle, location, and even credit score. Therefore, it’s not fair to assume that all young individuals will automatically face high insurance rates.

Finding Affordable Insurance Options for Young Drivers

Contrary to popular belief, there are several ways for young adults to find affordable insurance options. One of the most effective ways is to shop around and compare quotes from different insurance companies. Shield Insurance Agency, for example, represents over 45 insurance companies, giving you a wide range of options to choose from. By contacting Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 or visiting their website, you can get a free quote tailored to your specific needs.

Tips for Reducing Insurance Expenses for Young Drivers

While insurance rates for young policyholders may be higher compared to older individuals, there are steps you can take to reduce your premiums. Here are some tips for young drivers looking to save on insurance costs:

1. Maintain a clean driving record: Avoid traffic violations and accidents to demonstrate responsible driving behavior. Insurance companies reward safe drivers with lower premiums.

2. Take a defensive driving course: Completing a defensive driving course can not only improve your driving skills but also make you eligible for discounts on your insurance premiums.

3. Opt for a safe and practical vehicle: Insurance rates for young adults can be influenced by the type of vehicle they drive. Choosing a safe and practical car with good safety ratings can help lower your insurance costs.

4. Consider bundling your insurance policies: If you have multiple insurance needs, such as auto and renter’s insurance, bundling them with the same insurance company can often lead to discounts.

Contrary to popular belief, young adults do not necessarily have to pay exorbitant insurance premiums. While insurance rates for young drivers may be higher compared to older individuals, there are ways to find affordable options tailored to your needs. By shopping around, comparing quotes, and taking advantage of discounts, you can reduce your insurance expenses. Remember, Shield Insurance Agency represents over 45 insurance companies and can provide you with a free quote to help you find the best coverage at the best price. Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 or visit their website to start the quoting process today. Don’t let the myth of high insurance premiums deter you from getting the coverage you need.

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This Elementary School Is Fundraising With A Twist - SERVING Instead Of Selling

This Elementary School Is Fundraising With A Twist – SERVING Instead Of Selling

SunnySkyz.com | March 27, 2024 | Serving Instead of Selling | Visit the Shield Blog

Today’s good news story comes from Dover, Ohio.

In a world often dominated by sales pitches and fundraising campaigns, one elementary school in Ohio is rewriting the script by spreading kindness instead of selling goods. Dover Elementary’s Parent Teacher Group (PTG) has initiated a heartwarming fundraising campaign where acts of kindness take center stage.

Led by PTG President Ericka Koffa, the school community has embraced the concept of “serving instead of selling.” Instead of the typical cookie dough or gift wrap sales, students are encouraged to engage in planned and spontaneous acts of kindness both within the school grounds and beyond.

Serving Instead of Selling

Koffa elaborated on the initiative, emphasizing the importance of giving back to the community. “We’re serving instead of selling. Getting our kids out into the community [and] giving back,” she stated. “The concept is they’re paying the community’s generosity forward by completing acts of kindness at home, at school, and in the community.”

Fifth-grader Aaliyah Garner shared her understanding of kindness, highlighting the various ways students contribute to the initiative. “We help around the school by doing random acts of kindness like giving out morning greetings and cards sometimes. Being kind to everybody in the school and never being rude to anyone, and helping people when they need it.”

The acts of kindness orchestrated by Dover Elementary students encompass a wide range of gestures, from writing letters to those in need to distributing kindness cards and lending a hand to the elderly. With QR codes facilitating donations, the impact of these acts extends far beyond the school’s walls.

“I’ve just seen so many of our kids light up when people are calling out their kindness and noticing them for being kind,” remarked Koffa. “We feel like we’re on the verge of changing some lives.”

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Unveiling the Mystery Behind Insurance Audits: What You Need to Know

Unveiling the Mystery Behind Insurance Audits: What You Need to Know

Shield Insurance Blog | Insurance Audits | Business Insurance | Contact Shield

Understanding the Annual Insurance Audits Process

As a business owner, you may wonder why your insurance company conducts an annual audit of your business. The annual audit is a standard procedure that insurance companies use to assess the risk associated with insuring your business. It involves a thorough review of your business operations, financial records, and compliance with insurance policies. Understanding the audit process can help you prepare and ensure a smooth and successful audit.

The Importance of Business Compliance with Insurance Audits

One of the main reasons insurance companies conduct annual audits is to ensure that your business is in compliance with the terms and conditions of your insurance policy. Compliance with insurance policies is crucial because it helps protect both you and the insurance company. By conducting an audit, the insurance company can verify that you are following the necessary safety protocols, maintaining proper documentation, and adhering to any other requirements outlined in your policy.

Assessing Risk and Insurance Coverage

Another key aspect of the annual audit is to assess the risk associated with insuring your business. Insurance companies need to evaluate the potential risks your business faces to determine the appropriate coverage and premium rates. During the audit, the insurance company will review your business operations, risk management strategies, and any changes that may have occurred since the last audit. This assessment helps the insurance company ensure that you have adequate coverage and that the premium rates accurately reflect the level of risk.

The Financial Review

A significant part of the annual audit is the financial review. The insurance company will examine your financial records to assess your business’s financial stability and determine the appropriate coverage and premium rates. They will review your income statements, balance sheets, tax returns, and any other relevant financial documents. This review helps the insurance company understand your business’s financial health and make informed decisions regarding your insurance coverage.

The Benefits of Risk Assessment and Management

The annual audit provides an opportunity for both you and the insurance company to assess and manage the risks associated with your business. By conducting a thorough risk assessment, the insurance company can identify potential hazards, vulnerabilities, and areas for improvement. This assessment allows them to offer valuable risk management advice and recommendations to help you mitigate risks and prevent potential losses. By implementing these risk management strategies, you can enhance the safety and security of your business, ultimately reducing the likelihood of insurance claims.

In conclusion, the annual audit conducted by your insurance company is a necessary process to assess the risk associated with insuring your business. It helps ensure that you are in compliance with your insurance policy, assesses your business operations and financial stability, and provides valuable risk assessment and management advice. By understanding the audit process and its importance, you can better prepare for the annual audit and maintain a successful relationship with your insurance company.

Shield Insurance Agency represents over 45 insurance companies and can provide you with the best coverage options tailored to your business needs. Contact Shield Insurance Agency at (616) 896-4600 for a free quote today or start the quoting process by visiting this LINK, and an agent will be in touch soon.

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Invaders from underground are coming in cicada-geddon.

Invaders from underground are coming in cicada-geddon.

WTOP News | Cicada | Home Insurance | Visit the Shield Insurance Quoting portal

The largest geographic brood in the nation — called Brood XIX and coming out every 13 years — is about to march through the Southeast, having already created countless boreholes in the red Georgia clay. It’s a sure sign of the coming cicada occupation. They emerge when the ground warms to 64 degrees (17.8 degrees Celsius), which is happening earlier than it used to because of climate change, entomologists said. The bugs are brown at first but darken as they mature.

Soon after the insects appear in large numbers in Georgia and the rest of the Southeast, cicada cousins that come out every 17 years will inundate Illinois. They are Brood XIII.

“You’ve got one very widely distributed brood in Brood XIX, but you have a very dense historically abundant brood in the Midwest, your Brood XIII,” said University of Maryland entomologist Mike Raupp.

“And when you put those two together… you would have more than anywhere else any other time,” University of Maryland entomologist Paula Shrewsbury said.

Cicada found in the Eastern US

These hideaway cicadas are found only in the eastern United States and a few tiny other places. There are 15 different broods that come out every few years, on 17- and 13-year cycles. These two broods may actually overlap — but probably not interbreed — in a small area near central Illinois, entomologists said.

Trillions of evolution’s bizarro wonders, red-eyed periodical cicadas that have pumps in their heads and jet-like muscles in their rears, are about to emerge in numbers not seen in decades and possibly centuries.

Crawling out from underground every 13 or 17 years, with a collective song as loud as jet engines, the periodical cicadas are nature’s kings of the calendar.

These black bugs with bulging eyes differ from their greener-tinged cousins that come out annually. They stay buried year after year, until they surface and take over a landscape, covering houses with shed exoskeletons and making the ground crunchy.

Cicada Geddon begins in the Spring

This spring, an unusual double dose is about to invade a couple parts of the United States in what University of Connecticut cicada expert John Cooley called “cicada-geddon.” The last time these two broods came out together in 1803 Thomas Jefferson, who wrote about cicadas in his Garden Book but mistakenly called them locusts, was president.

“Periodic cicadas don’t do subtle,” Cooley said.

If you’re fascinated by the upcoming solar eclipse, thy are weirder and bigger, said Georgia Tech biophysicist Saad Bhamla.

“We’ve got trillions of these amazing living organisms come out of the Earth, climb up on trees and it’s just a unique experience, a sight to behold,” Bhamla said. “It’s like an entire alien species living underneath our feet and then some prime number years they come out to say hello.”

Cicada or Voracious?

At times mistaken for voracious and unrelated locusts, periodical cicadas are more annoying rather than causing biblical economic damage. They can hurt young trees and some fruit crops, but it’s not widespread and can be prevented.

The largest geographic brood in the nation — called Brood XIX and coming out every 13 years — is about to march through the Southeast, having already created countless boreholes in the red Georgia clay. It’s a sure sign of the coming cicada occupation. They emerge when the ground warms to 64 degrees (17.8 degrees Celsius), which is happening earlier than it used to because of climate change, entomologists said. The bugs are brown at first but darken as they mature.

Soon after the insects appear in large numbers in Georgia and the rest of the Southeast, cicada cousins that come out every 17 years will inundate Illinois. They are Brood XIII.

“You’ve got one very widely distributed brood in Brood XIX, but you have a very dense historically abundant brood in the Midwest, your Brood XIII,” said University of Maryland entomologist Mike Raupp.

“And when you put those two together… you would have more than anywhere else any other time,” University of Maryland entomologist Paula Shrewsbury said.

These hideaway cicadas are found only in the eastern United States and a few tiny other places. There are 15 different broods that come out every few years, on 17- and 13-year cycles. These two broods may actually overlap — but probably not interbreed — in a small area near central Illinois, entomologists said.

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