Types of Retirement Plans for Individuals in 2023

Types of Retirement Plans for Individuals in 2023

PersonalCapital.com | By JJ Lester, CFP® | November 10, 2022 | Retirement Plans | Life Insurance

Imagining your retirement can be exciting, but for many, building your nest egg can also be overwhelming.

There are numerous types of retirement plans for individuals. Choosing which one to use may leave you unsure of the best option. The best way to feel confident about your retirement savings is by having a long-term financial plan and a fiduciary financial professional on your team.

In this article, I’ll give a primer on the most common retirement account types, how they work, and who they might work best for.

Selecting the right savings vehicle is not always straightforward. Many factors come into play when you are building a retirement plan: your current age, income level, and ideal tax-optimization strategy. Here are some common retirement plans and criteria to consider.

Tip: Free personal finance tools can help you analyze your retirement plan. A good place to start is with Personal Capital’s Retirement Planner, which will help you assess your retirement readiness and identify areas for improvement.

1. Traditional 401k | Retirement Plans

One of the most popular and widely known investment tools, the 401k, is an employer-sponsored retirement plan that lets you save for retirement in a tax-sheltered manner.

Traditional 401k contributions are made with pre-tax dollars, ultimately reducing your taxable income and allowing your contributions to grow tax-deferred until you withdraw your money in retirement.

In 2022, the contribution limit is $20,500 ($22,500 in 2023), and individuals aged 50 and over may contribute up to an additional catch-up amount of $6,500 ($7,500 in 2023).

Employers may offer a profit-sharing or employer match program where they contribute a certain percentage to your 401k plan. Employers can utilize different vesting requirements, such as being employed for a certain number of years. Other times, contributions made on behalf of your employer may be 100% immediately vested, meaning that money is in your own hands once applied to your 401k account. If an employer requires a certain amount or percentage of your salary to be contributed to your 401k in order to receive the matching benefit, you should contribute at least that amount to take full advantage of your employer’s contribution.

Before withdrawing contributions from your 401k, you should work with your financial advisor to avoid paying withdrawal penalties. If you are age 59½ or younger, withdrawals are assessed at a 10% penalty in addition to ordinary income taxes (taxed at your highest marginal tax rate). Though there are a few IRS exceptions from the early withdrawal penalty, taking money out of your 401k before you are 59½ or at the age of 72 (for Required Minimum Distributions) is usually not advised.

Ideal For: If you think you will be in a lower marginal tax bracket when you start withdrawing funds in retirement, a traditional 401k plan can be advantageous.

2. Roth 401k

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International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week

International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week

NationalToday.com | January 21, 2023 | Snowmobile Safety | Snowmobile Insurance

International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week starts on the third Saturday of January every year. Did you know that it has been more than 70 years since the first snowmobile was made? Snowmobiles are vehicles designed and built to be used in the snow. They’re a fun way to go about in places where there is heavy snowfall and are enjoyed by millions all over the world as a winter sport. But it does not come without safety concerns. Snowmobiles can quickly become dangerous if not used with the necessary precautions. International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week was created to spread awareness among the people about the safety precautions one needs to ensure before using a snowmobile, to keep them and the people around them safe.


Sledding has been a popular recreational activity for many centuries. However, the motorized sled was invented in 1927 by a mechanic in Valcourt Quebec named Joseph-Armand Bombardier. Bombardier made the first-ever motorized sled by using a propeller. A few years later in 1927, the motor toboggan was made. Bombardier used the wheel and track system to further improve his invention, and thus in 1935, the first snowmobile was made.

In the coming years, Bombardier would make modifications to the snowmobile, which became immensely popular. He patented the first seven-member snowmobile in 1937 and the 12-member capacity one in 1941. Bombardier’s snowmobiles turned out to be extremely useful for people, especially people working in the law enforcement, fire service, hospital emergency services, etc. Some of these vehicles were modified for military use and used by American troops in World War II.

By the 1960s, new snowmobiles with powerful engines emerged. It was popular among people around the world who lived in frigid regions where there was heavy snowfall. People enjoyed snowmobiles as a recreational activity and as a winter sport. It was also useful for going from place to place during the times heavy snowfall would block the roads.

Many incidents of accidents and mishaps involving snowmobiles were reported. Many were also concerned about fuel usage and its impact on the environment. In 1993, International Snowmobile Safety and Awareness Week was created to encourage people to use necessary safety equipment like helmets and protective gear and to use snowmobiles made by authorized companies that produce snowmobiles that undergo strict pollution checks.

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When Is it Time to Stop (or Start) Hosting the Holidays?

When Is it Time to Stop (or Start) Hosting the Holidays?

Passing the baton and changing traditions can be difficult for families

AARP | By Robin L. Flanigan | December 06, 2022| Hosting the Holidays | Home Insurance

​Hosting the holidays can be a marathon sport. There’s planning the meals, buying the groceries, cleaning the house, cooking the food. It’s a lot of work, especially for older adults who have been at the holiday helm for two — sometimes three — generations.

When is it time to call it quits and let the younger generation take over hosting the Holidays?

That’s a difficult question for all involved. It can be difficult to give up the role of host after so many years; on the other side, it can be hard to take over that role, especially after a lifetime of baking, decorating, game-playing and gift-giving traditions.

“It’s a very emotional topic,” says Andrew G. Celli Jr., a 57-year-old attorney in Manhattan.

The traditions at his mother’s house — the home where he grew up in Rochester, New York — have “a rhythm and a regularity that makes it incredibly special and specific to her and the way she does things.”

But their family is large. Celli and his two siblings each are married with multiple children, some of whom have significant others, which means gatherings draw nearly 20 people. It’s a lot of work for Dolores Celli, who lives alone and is approaching 90, to make her usual lasagna; prime rib, or chicken with lemon, garlic, and rosemary; pizzelles; and the apple pie recipe her grandmother always used in Italy.

“It means taking the house apart and putting extra tables out, but I enjoy every moment of it,” she says, adding that she also provides breakfast for guests in the mornings. “Fortunately, I’m healthy enough to do it. Every year is a blessing as far as I’m concerned, even though I’m sure one of these days one of the kids is going to say, ‘No more.’”

While Andrew Celli says neither he nor his siblings have put their foot down once and for all just yet, he will be hosting Christmas at his home this year.

His mother “is incredibly strong and somewhat stubborn, but at the end of the holiday weekend, she is pretty tired,” he says. “We want her to enjoy the traditions that we can re-create at my house, without her having to do all the work.”​

The importance of hosting the holidays & rituals

Going to the same house, eating the same food, and interacting with the same people for decades brings a sense of comfort and belonging.

“Traditions help create meaning in our lives, and help find and establish family connections,” says William C. Torrey, the Raymond Sobel professor of psychiatry and interim chair of psychiatry at Dartmouth Health and Dartmouth’s Geisel School of Medicine in New Hampshire. “Any change in how you celebrate the holidays can easily feel disruptive, but it also creates an opportunity for more conversation and expression of appreciation.”

That’s not so easy for Evey Meyer, 76, to believe. “I will be at the edge of my grave when I stop hosting,” says the former biology professor from St. Louis.

Rather than a chore, Meyer views hosting Hanukkah (“It wouldn’t be Hanukkah if I didn’t make potato pancakes”) as an act of survivorship, “something the Jewish holidays are partly about.” She points out that her generation may resist relinquishing the holiday reins in part because subsequent generations are less likely to engage in religious rituals — a worldwide phenomenon confirmed by a Pew Research Center analysis in 2018.

Meyer says that providing meals is linked to her self-image: “I’ve always been the feeder. When people think of me, I hope they think of food.”

At some point, however, the duties can become too much. It may take an older person days to recover, and younger adult guests may start to feel guilty for remaining on the receiving end. When this happens, it’s time for an honest, and possibly tough, conversation.​

Adjusting to new holiday approaches

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5 key specialty lines insurance trends affecting businesses

5 key specialty lines insurance trends affecting businesses

Liberty Mutual | Published 12/07/2022 | Specialty Lines Insurance

It’s no secret that the COVID-19 pandemic has had a devastating effect on many businesses. What began with supply chain issues soon transformed into even more complicated challenges, including labor market difficulties, an economic recession, and fraught geopolitical obstacles.

These changes left risk managers and other business stakeholders looking for innovative ways to help protect their specific and sometimes unusual risks — something they could only find in the specialty lines market.

Kristin McMahon, senior vice president, Global Risk Solutions North America specialty claims for Liberty Mutual and Ironshore, outlines five trends affecting the specialty lines market that businesses should be aware of and prepare for in the current risk environment.

1. Cyberattacks continue to loom. | Specialty Lines Insurance

As businesses increase their reliance on video platforms, continue to store more data in the cloud, and adopt remote and hybrid working models, the danger of cyberthreats looms larger.

“Cyber is one of the only risks that has the capacity to impact every company and industry,” said McMahon.

And while any industry size and type can be affected, businesses with fewer than 100 employees are currently experiencing 350 percent more attacks than larger companies.

“Historically it was the larger accounts in the crosshairs,” McMahon said. “But this year, we are seeing small- and medium-sized businesses suffer ransomware events more frequently than larger operations.”

Why? According to 2022 research by CNBC, small businesses are ill-prepared to handle cyberthreats. Less than half of small businesses have installed antivirus software or backed up their files externally, while only a third have implemented basic security measures like automatic software updates and two-factor authentication. Noted McMahon, “Without the proper digital ‘hygiene’ and contingency plans in place, organizations will increasingly place themselves in harm’s way.”

“Cyber is one of the only risks that has the capacity to impact every company and industry.”
-Kristin McMahon, senior vice president, Global Risk Solutions North America specialty claims for Liberty Mutual and Ironshore.

This doesn’t mean that larger organizations can be complacent. According to a 2021 Accenture survey of senior executives, the average number of cyberattacks experienced per company increased 31 percent compared to 2020.

“For larger companies, cyber hygiene is certainly critical. What’s also important is having the board of directors take an active role in protecting the business from cybercrime. Getting support from the top helps an organization prioritize cybersecurity and take active steps to stay on top of trends, conduct due diligence of third-party vendors, and more,” said McMahon.

2. A backlog of civil jury trials results in “rocket dockets”. | Specialty Lines Insurance

As businesses closed their doors to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, so, too, did the courts. While some innovations, such as holding trials in stadiums or over Zoom, allowed for the necessary social distancing, many cases were outright delayed. In Texas, for example, courts processed only 200 trials in 2020, compared to their normal 10,000 annual average.

Noted McMahon, “Since the return of in-person trials, the courts continue to navigate a significant case backlog. To get caught up, some judges are employing ‘rocket dockets,’ an approach that encourages plaintiffs and defendants to either settle or try their cases on an accelerated schedule.”

“Since the return of in-person trials, the courts continue to navigate a significant case backlog. To get caught up, some judges are employing ‘rocket dockets,’ an approach that encourages plaintiffs and defendants to either settle or try their cases on an accelerated schedule.”
-Kristin McMahon, senior vice president, Global Risk Solutions North America specialty claims for Liberty Mutual and Ironshore.

One side effect of this phenomenon: plaintiffs’ attorneys in some cases will settle in pretrial for a reasonable amount, opting to only try cases with juror appeal for which they could receive large jury awards.      

“It’s the older pre-COVID-19 cases accruing prejudgment interest where you have aggressive plaintiffs’ attorneys who believe in their high-damages cases — they’re going to hold out and try it to a jury,” McMahon said.   

3. Societal and legal trends continue to drive social inflation and nuclear verdicts.

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Not Sure What to Wear on Halloween? Google Just Ranked the Most Popular Costumes of 2022

Not Sure What to Wear on Halloween?

Not Sure What to Wear on Halloween? Google Just Ranked the Most Popular Costumes of 2022

Expect to see a few familiar scary faces (and some pop culture favorites!) on Halloween, October 31.

MarthaStewart.com | By Nashia Baker | October 18, 2022

If you’re like Martha, dressing up for Halloween is probably one of your favorite parts of the spooky holiday. And on October 31, you certainly won’t be alone: Your neighborhood’s streets will be filled with trick-or-treaters (and their parents!) in costumes fit for the occasion.

When you do step out in character this year, you might notice a few recurring themes. According to Google Trends’ 2022 FrightGeist report, which highlighted the most-searched Halloween costumes across the United States, a few familiar monsters will prowl the streets, candy baskets in hand—but there will likely be some creative pop-culture references and beloved superheroes, too. As for the look you’ll see in droves on Halloween night? Google users searched most for a witch costume.

The runner-up spot was claimed by a famed movie and TV character: Spider-Man was the second most-searched costume. Rounding out the top three is an ancient, extinct creature that, on any other night, exists in fossil form only: Halloween enthusiasts plan to don plenty of dinosaur costumes in 2022.

Related: 15 Last-Minute Costume Ideas for Halloween

Creatures of the past and champions of the present aren’t the only costume themes that have captured trick-or-treaters’ interests this year: Google users are also planning on dressing up as characters from Netflix’s Stranger Things, which clocked in at number four (not Eleven!). And if you were considering being something more fearsome, think again. The fifth most-searched pick, a fairy, proves that ethereal and whimsical options are trending, too.

Want to see how your Halloween costume ranks on Google Trends’ list this year? Discover the 20 most-searched costumes, below—and visit FrightGeist for the full list.

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Specialty Insurance

Specialty Insurance Policies For Your Recreational Toys

What specialty insurance?

In simple terms, specialty insurance coverage is exactly what it sounds like: It’s insurance that can be purchased for items that are special or unique. Specialty insurance policies are important for items that are not typically covered under other insurance policies.

From motorcycle insurance to boat insurance, protect your unique items.

We hear it all the time: “Specialty insurance? What’s that and why do I have it or why do I need it?”

In simple terms, specialty insurance coverage is exactly what it sounds like: It’s insurance that can be purchased for items that are special or unique. Specialty insurance policies are important for items that are not typically covered under other insurance policies.

Type of Specialty Insurance Coverage Available

Consider the items you own that are not covered by other insurance policies. For example, what vehicles do you drive that aren’t included on your auto insurance policy? What additional coverage is required to protect your home in the event of a flood? Specialty insurance policies complement your existing auto, home and umbrella policies. Types of specialty insurance offered through CONNECT and its partners include:

Classic car insurance – Whether you’ve spent hours and hours on restoration or bought a one-of-a-kind collector’s item, protect your antique car with classic car insurance.

ATV insurance – Enjoy the ride with coverage for your all-terrain vehicle. This specialty insurance coverage will protect you whether you ride for fun or function.

Flood insurance – Find coverage for your home or car—and yes, there is a difference!

High-value homes and rental insurance – Take the worry out of being a landlord or covering your high-value home.

Motorcycle insurance – In case of storm, accident or other natural disaster, make sure your bike will be still be ready to ride with motorcycle insurance.

RV insurance – Recreational vehicles give you the freedom to adventure anywhere. Whether you travel cross-country or simply use your RV for weekend camping, stay on the road with RV insurance.

Boat insurance – From sailboat to pontoon or even jet ski, stay afloat with boat insurance coverage.

Added Protection from our Agency Partners

Losing a one-of-a-kind item or a unique vehicle to fire, theft or flood damage is painful enough. Finding out your insurance doesn’t cover the replacement of the item, vehicle or your home or auto would make a heart-breaking situation even worse.

That’s why we’ve developed partnerships with industry leaders in specialty insurance. Our goal is to help you find coverage for these unique items. Through our trusted partnerships, you can purchase insurance policies for a wide range of specialty items.

This is a great compilation video of some of the specialty insurance products Shield Insurance can offer our clients from one of our many carriers.

  • Is your RV ready for winter?
  • Do you need umbrella insurance?
  • Safe Boating Checklist
  • Looking for fully loaded Watercraft coverage? Check out Safeco’s Captain’s Package
  • Choose Safeco’s Captain’s Package and get fully loaded watercraft coverage
  • From motorcycles to ATVs: Do you have enough custom parts protection?
  • Safeco’s Classic Car Insurance
  • Safeco’s RV Insurance
  • Safeco Insurance & Liberty Mutual Small Commercial
  • Safeco Boat and Personal Watercraft Insurance

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Shield Insurance Blog - What’s allowed in — and prohibited from — your carry-on bag, according to the TSA’s rules

Your carry-on bag, according to the TSA’s rules

What’s allowed in — and prohibited from — your carry-on bag, according to the TSA’s rules

By Kaitlyn McInnis | CNN Underscored | Updated 11:36 AM EDT, Mon September 19, 2022

Packing for a trip can be a daunting experience. You want to streamline your stuff so as to travel light, but you also don’t want to be so bare-bones that you wind up shopping for the essentials you forgot when you should be enjoying your trip.

Maximizing your carry-on baggage allowance is a great way to ensure you’re packing light without skimping on the things you actually need, but you’ll want to ensure you’re packing items that won’t get you held up at the TSA security checkpoint. There are certain TSA carry-on rules and regulations you’ll want to be aware of when packing your carry-on bag, such as how much liquid you can actually bring on board or if your disposable razor is allowed through.

If you’re hoping to optimize the way you pack your hand luggage, you’ll want to read on. We’ve outlined everything you need to know about what’s allowed in a carry-on bag — and the best carry-ons to consider for your next trip.

What is a carry-on bag?

Carry-on luggage ranges in styles and sizes — from hard-shelled spinners to soft-sided weekender bags and even travel backpacks. But the bag will need to fit the size regulations of your airline. In fact, carry-on allowance isn’t determined by the TSA but instead by individual airlines. Generally speaking, most airlines implement a maximum size policy of 22 inches by 14 inches by 9 inches, including wheels and handles.

Your baggage allowance could also depend on your ticket type. Some basic economy tickets only allow for a personal item, such as a purse, rather than a piece of carry-on luggage. When it comes to the weight of the bag, you’ll want to ensure you can comfortably lift your carry-on up and into the overhead compartment efficiently. However, some airlines — particularly budget carriers — limit how much a bag can weigh.

Ultimately, if you’re planning to bring a carry-on bag on board, be sure to check your airline’s policies. Once you’ve determined your carry-on baggage allowance, you’ll then need to pack it with items that are permitted by the TSA.

What is allowed?

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How Do I Get Recreational Insurance?

How Do I Get Recreational Insurance?

Recreational Insurance| Shield Quoting Portal | Recreational Insurance |

If you want to buy insurance for recreational activities like fishing or golf, you will likely have to buy it separately from your homeowner’s or car’s insurance.  If you are self-employed or work for a small company, you may be able to get coverage through your small business owners or association insurance plan. 

Some employers may also offer group health insurance that covers some or all of the cost of recreational insurance. To learn more, consult with Shield Insurance Agency in Michigan. 

Recreational Insurance: What You Need To Know

Recreational insurance is specifically designed to help protect your investment in a vacation. You can get this type of coverage through an association, an organization, or a company. 

Associations provide lower rates because they tend to have higher-risk members. 

You can purchase a policy that specifically covers recreational activities, or purchase a general homeowners or renters policy. 

You can compare the cost of recreational activities to the cost of replacing the item. If the activity costs less than the item, you may be able to file a claim with your homeowners or renters insurance. 

When you go to buy your recreational insurance, you will likely be required to have some money in a certain type of account. 

Recreational insurance protects you from any potential damages or harm that you might face while participating in a recreational activity. 

Let’s say you are going camping with your friends and you go hiking in the mountains, and while hiking, one of your friends slips and falls down a cliff. 

What if he ends up breaking his arm? You will be responsible for them if you don’t have any sort of recreational insurance. 

Contact Us Today 

It’s important to obtain some sort of recreational insurance before engaging in any recreational activities. It could be as simple as getting an umbrella policy that covers all the things while engaging in a recreational activity. 

You can also get specific policies for different activities such as skiing or snowboarding, mountain climbing, etc. For expert advice, give us a call at Shield Insurance Agency in Michigan.


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April Showers Bring May Flowers - Shield Insurance Agency Blog

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Shield Insurance Agency | April Showers |

April Showers Bring May Flowers

For me, spring and fall are by far my favorite seasons.  After a long, cold winter it was so nice to be outside this past weekend and enjoy the sunshine!  I am so thankful to live in a location that gets to experience all four seasons.  As I was outside this weekend I could not help but stop & look around.  The creation seems to be bursting with life!  There were buds on almost every tree, the flowering trees seemed to explode over the weekend and the spring flowers are appearing everywhere.

In a household with 4 teenagers, spring is very busy at our house with school activities, sports, year-end school programs, graduations, college finals, work, etc.  Everyone seems to be hustling about, going here, going there.  What about your household?  If it’s anything like mine, there are times when you feel you can’t even catch your breath.

My challenge for myself and my family (and you too) is to try to schedule – yes schedule – time to take a break and enjoy some quiet time outside.  Enjoy the outdoors, the beautiful city that we live in, and the nature around us.  It’s amazing how therapeutic listening to birds singing while soaking up the sunshine and smelling the fresh spring air is.  So take a break!  Allow yourself to relax and enjoy the beautiful spring season.

Submitted by Tammy

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The 50 Best Places to Travel in 2022

By Travel + Leisure | December 09, 2021 | Best Places To Travel | Travel Insurance | Start a Quote!

From far-flung destinations to hometown favorites, 2022 is the year to get back out there and turn your dream trips into reality.

Best Places to Travel

Planning new adventures as the new year approaches is always a thrill, but finding the best places to visit in 2022 is unique. After two years of border closures, cruise cancellations, and travel restrictions galore, 2022 is the year we hope to get back out there, uninhibited (albeit vaccinated and COVID tested), return to our favorite destinations, and cross new ones off our lists.

Though the hospitality industry was hit hard by the pandemic, many properties used the forced downtime to renovate rooms, add new amenities, and expand outdoor spaces to offer even more once guests return. 2022 is when many travelers will venture further from home, and even overseas, for the first time since the start of the pandemic, finally reaping the benefits of these valiant efforts.

Related: Where to Travel in 2021

Although COVID variants remain, regulations are still evolving, and precautions must still be taken, many of the destinations we chose for 2022 offer what we believe travelers are looking for in a post-pandemic world, from hotels with private accommodations to destinations teeming with fresh-air activities. Others, like Las Vegas, are for those who are ready and raring to make up for all the social time they missed — with a few splashy headliners, including Adele and the Raiders, thrown in for good measure. 

Related: The Top 100 Hotels in the World

As cruising makes its comeback, we included unforgettable places to see by water, from Antarctica to the Nile, and as hard-hit destinations like Italy and Asia recover, we found the buzziest reasons to return. Of course, we didn’t forget about all the stateside gems we got to know while domestic travel was surging, from Alaska and California to Florida and Michigan.

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