Managing the Transition From Hospital to Rehab to Home

4 ways to make the moves easier for family caregivers and their loved ones

by Amy Goyer |  AARP | October 27, 2021| Hospital to Rehab | Health Insurance

I’ve recently been helping a friend who has been managing her mother’s transitions from a hospital to a rehab facility, and then again to another rehab facility that wants to send her home before she, or her family, is ready. It reminded me of how tough family caregiving transitions can be. As a longtime family caregiver of many including both parents and my sister, I’ve been through many of them — some smooth, others unexpected and rocky. Caregivers play a crucial role in easing transitions, helping to ensure that loved ones adjust and get appropriate care along the way.

Moving our loved ones from one care setting to another is stressful for everyone involved. It’s invariably complicated and confusing, and I’ve often experienced poor communication among hospitals, facilities and family caregivers. Family caregivers play a key role in preventing hospital readmissions. We are the one consistent part of our loved ones’ care teams. Yet, all too often, family caregivers feel left out of the transition process. That’s why it’s up to us to be proactive.


• Contact discharge planner/social worker

• Discuss options/plans with patient

• Talk with health care practitioners and therapists

• Arrange for next step in care:

  • Facility: Visit; review care provided, residents, visitors, meals, cleanliness, certifications, ratings, complaints, costs and insurance coverage
  • Home: Understand insurance coverage of home-based care; arrange for home modifications, medical equipment, personal care, medical care, therapies, meals, transportation, visitors/socialization, prescriptions

• Get printed medication list, prescriptions and discharge instructions

• Get hands-on demonstrations/instruction on medical/nursing tasks; photos/videos

• Get appropriate clothing and personal supplies

• Arrange for transportation upon discharge

• Ensure transfer of medical records between facilities/providers prior to, at time of and following the transition

When faced with a care transition, planning is key, even if you have only a few days. Here are some ways you can help your loved ones with care transitions:

1. Do your homework ahead of time.

It’s a good idea to be aware of the hospitals and rehabilitation, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities in your parent or other loved one’s immediate area. Talk with your parents about their preferences, goals and wishes about where, if needed, they would want to be treated, recover and live. Review the ratings of Medicare-certified facilities at the Medicare Compare site, and talk with family members of people who have been there. A little bit of basic research ahead of time will lower your stress levels in a crisis when you may need to make decisions quickly.

2. Start planning for discharge at the beginning of a stay at a hospital or rehabilitation facility.

Don’t wait until discharge is imminent. Ask to speak with a hospital discharge planner or social worker for help planning your loved one’s next steps, care, transportation to their next place, insurance coverage and payment plans.

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12 DIY Board Games So You’re Never Bored

By LAUREN THOMANN | Updated on 05/05/20 |

Board games are a great way to keep busy and connect with friends and family members. Don’t have any on hand? You may not have known that you can make your own! These 12 DIY board games below could help save you from boredom if you happen to be stuck in the house. Plus, it’s a reason to break out the crafting supplies!

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Delayed claims reporting: the true cost to businesses and injured workers

Get the details of our latest deep dive into workers comp with our Claims Reporting Lag Study report.

Business Insurance > Insights > Delayed claims reporting: the true cost to businesses and injured workers

Workplace injuries that go unreported can keep employees on the sidelines — uncertain about treatment and unclear on what to expect under their state’s WC system. When workplace incidents do happen, prompt claim reporting is a key factor to ensuring injured employees receive the necessary care to feel supported in a successful return — and minimizing business impact.

Businesses appreciate the value of speed. Consider these strategies to accelerate your injury reporting:

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4 Simple Steps to Fight Identity Fraud

New AARP-sponsored report shows the most common ruses adopted by scammers

by Katherine Skiba, AARP, October 11, 2021

​Identity fraud is easy money for criminals, but there are four steps you can take to protect yourself and your money:​​

  1. Ignore requests for an urgent form of payment, such as using a gift card or making a wire transfer.
  2. ​Protect your passwords and log-in information.
  3. Do not communicate with strangers about confidential or sensitive financial matters.
  4. Verify everything you’re told to determine if a supposed problem truly requires your attention.

The helpful tips are in a new, AARP-sponsored report by Javelin Strategy & Research, which estimates that identity fraud led to $56 billion in losses in 2020.

The report says older consumers are not more vulnerable to every kind of fraud, but notes that the stakes are high for adults age 50-plus because losses tend to be steeper for people who have accumulated a lifetime of wealth.

The report also:

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DIY Updates Your Home Needs Right Now

How to protect your home living space—and make it more organized, functional, and flexible . . . for whatever comes next

By Perry Santanachote, October 07, 2021

With 2020 being what it was and hindsight being 20/20, we’ve learned a lot about new ways of living—with a pandemic, climate change, and working (and working out) at home. We also know a few things we would do differently. But through it all, our appreciation for our homes has never been greater.

Whether you like it or not, you might still find yourself spending more time at home than normal this winter—but this time, you and your home will be ready.

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The do’s and don’ts of driving with a trailer

 by The Foremost Creative Team

Whether you’re taking a road trip or taking the family camping, driving with a trailer can be a challenge. According to, when you add a trailer to your vehicle, the overall handling, and rules of driving dramatically change. Using your hitch to tow your favorite travel trailer means you should give yourself more time to slow down and turn corners. It’s important that drivers of all experience use trailer brakes to decrease speed evenly with the added weight that’s being towed. And, because trailers don’t follow the exact path as the vehicle on turns, always remember to safely swing out wider when traveling around bends and corners.

Here are some do’s and don’ts of towing to keep you safe on the road.


  • Gradually reduce speed
  • Travel at an even, moderate speed
  • Steady the steering wheel — sudden turns can cause more sway
  • Be cautious of potholes and large bumps
  • Use a lower gear over large hills or down gravel roads
  • Avoid slamming on the brakes — jackknifing could occur


  • Consistently stay in overdrive and/or in a high gear
  • Attempt to steer out of trailer sway
  • Forget to add sway control or a weight distribution system
  • Be afraid to safely stop and reload trailer in case of engine problems, sway, flat tires, etc.

Foremost wants you to tow and travel safely!

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Are You Ready to Move Your Aging Parent Into Your Home?

Before assuming the role of full-time family caregiver for an aging parent, pose these key questions

by Bruce Horovitz,  AARP, October 19, 2021 | Aging Parent

Are you thinking about caring for an aging parent in your home? The best way to consider all that is involved in this major decision is to pose the right questions to the right people.

We reached out to top home caregiving experts nationwide and asked them to help frame the key questions that need to be asked before the boxes are packed. “Asking these questions ahead of time can help prevent confusion, misunderstandings, miscommunications and make the entire process go more smoothly,” says Amy Goyer, author of Juggling Life, Work and Caregiving, and AARP’s family and caregiving expert.

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Gov. Whitmer Announces Marketplace Open Enrollment Begins Today with New Plans, Lowering Costs for Working Families 

This release was issued by Governor Whitmer’s Office, emailed to the Shield Insurance Office.

Gov. Whitmer Announces Marketplace Open Enrollment Begins Today with New Plans, Lowering Costs for Working Families 

Consumer Hotline: 877-999-6442,


(LANSING, MICH) Gov. Whitmer today announced Michiganders have more plans to choose from, more low- or no-cost coverage options, and more time to enroll during the Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment period, which runs today, November 1 through January 15, 2022.  

“Michigan has called for expanded health coverage opportunities throughout the pandemic, and I applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for its continued work in lowering costs to high-quality, comprehensive health insurance for Michigan’s working families,” said Governor Gretchen Whitmer. “Through increased subsidies, an extended enrollment period, and more investment in local assistance, Michiganders have the support they need to get covered for 2022.”  

“Many people worry it is either too expensive or too complicated to sign up for a health plan. Fortunately, Michigan remains one of the least expensive states in the country to purchase health insurance and there is free, local enrollment help available by visiting or calling 800-318-2596,” said Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (DIFS) Director Anita Fox. “Comprehensive health insurance leads to better health outcomes, so Open Enrollment is an important opportunity for Michiganders to protect their health and financial wellness.” 

More Health Plans 

During Open Enrollment, Michigan consumers are able to choose from 174 approved health plans from 10 insurers on the Health Insurance Marketplace, which is available at or by calling 800-318-2596. In addition, an increased number of off-Marketplace plans are also available, bringing the total number of individual plans available to Michiganders to 256.  

Overall, DIFS has approved average rate changes for individual plans that range from a decrease of 1.8% to an increase of 8.8%. Overall, the average rate increase on the individual market is 4.7%, well below the 6% average annual increase in health care costs seen during the last two years. Michigan continues to have a robust marketplace and comparatively lower average premium rates than most other states, tying for the 3rd lowest benchmark premiums in a 2021 Kaiser Family Foundation study

More Low-or No-Cost Coverage Options 

Increased subsidies established by the American Rescue Plan to give more Michiganders the opportunity to qualify for low- or no-cost coverage will continue in 2022. In 2021, Michigan consumers saw an average premium reduction of 45% through these subsidies or more than $71 per month in savings. Statewide, Michiganders saw nearly $12 million in savings per month, and nationally, more than half of consumers found coverage for $10 or less per month. 

Premium tax credits depend on estimated household income, and consumers will see the monthly savings they qualify for when they apply for Marketplace coverage. Before applying, Michiganders can visit to estimate whether they may qualify for subsidies and other savings.  

More Time, Assistance for Open Enrollment 

The Biden-Harris Administration extended the 2022 Open Enrollment period so that consumers have until January 15, 2022, to enroll. However, consumers generally need to choose a plan by December 15 for their coverage to start January 1, 2022.  

In addition, $3.3 million in grants have been awarded to three Michigan organizations to expand access to qualified Navigators who provide free assistance to consumers who need help signing up for health coverage. For assistance, visit or call 800-318-2596. 

To review available plans and rates, visit today. For questions about health coverage, visit the or call DIFS 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at 877-999-6442. 

The mission of the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services is to ensure access to safe and secure insurance and financial services fundamental for the opportunity, security, and success of Michigan residents while fostering economic growth and sustainability in both industries. In addition, the Department provides consumer protection, outreach, and financial literacy and education services to Michigan residents. For more information, visit or follow the Department on FacebookTwitter, or LinkedIn.  

Carlos Garcia, Health Benefits Specialist, Shield Insurance Agency

Contact Carlos Garcia, or 616.896.4600, Shield Insurance Health Care Advisor. You can even click here to fill out a quick form and we will get back to you soon.

Carlos is the Shield Agency specialist in health insurance and represents several companies.

Carlos can work with you to choose the best company and the best policy to meet your specific needs.

He can take care of your family and employees as well. can help answer your questions and get you insured.

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How to Be a Smarter Shopper Right Now

While shortages, price spikes, and delays can be frustrating, there are easy ways to find what you need for the right price

By Beth Braverman | September 09, 2021 | Consumer Reports | Smarter Shopper

If you’re in the mood to spend, you’re not alone.

“In the first half of 2021, we saw a return of optimism and spending,” says Tamara Charm, who works for the global management consulting firm McKinsey as an agile consumer insights leader.

And yet the way we’re buying reflects the many long-term changes brought on by the pandemic. E-commerce sales (long on the upswing) jumped 32 percent in 2020, more than double the growth rate in 2019, according to the market research firm Mintel. Even as shoppers venture back into walk-in stores now that vaccines have eased restrictions, online sales remain strong. The experience of having almost everything delivered to one’s door has probably changed some shopping habits for good.

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Shield Insurance Agency Home Office in Hudsonville, Michigan

Happy Halloween to All!

Shield Insurance Agency wishes everyone a Safe and Happy Halloween!

Stop by the office, any time of the year, and we will have some treats for everyone!

We are located at 3214 Chicago Drive in Hudsonville, MI

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