Free Preventive Medical Services in 2020

Shield Insurance Blog | Preventive Medical Services | Health Insurance |

With Marketplace coverage, you have access to free preventive services, like flu shots, check-ups, and screening tests. Getting these recommended services is an important step toward good health and well-being.

  • Preventive services are routine health care procedures, like screenings, check-ups, and counseling to prevent illnesses, diseases, and other health problems.
  • Taking advantage of these free services can help detect illness early, when treatment is likely to work best, so talk to your provider about what’s right for you.
  • Note: Preventive services are free only when provided by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network. (A network is the facilities, providers, and suppliers your health insurer has contracted with to provide health care services. Contact your insurance company to see which providers are “in-network.”)

Where can I learn more about preventive medical services?