The top 10 causes of disabling injuries

2021 Workplace Safety Index: the top 10 causes of disabling injuries

From back injuries to broken bones, the top 10 causes of workplace injuries cost U.S. businesses more than $1 billion a week.

Workplace injuries are not limited to high-risk industries such as manufacturing and construction. Disabling injuries can occur on any job, making workplace safety a top concern for employers.

The 2021 Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index (WSI) compiles the 10 causes of the most serious disabling workplace injuries – those that caused employees to miss work for more than five days – and ranks them by direct cost to employers based on medical and lost-wage expenses.

The top 10 causes of disabling workplace injuries

Disabling workplace injuries cost businesses more than $58 billion every year.

The first step in protecting your business and workforce is knowing how serious injuries happen.Download PDF

1. Handling objects

Cost per year: $13.30B

Watch for: heavy boxes

2. Falls on the same level

Cost per year: $10.58B

Watch for: wet floors

3. Falls to lower level

Cost per year: $6.26B

Watch for: wobbly ladders

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